I make the space for strategic conversations to happen.

The world is full of people with unique ideas, wonderful experiences, and fantastic knowledge. But it is hard to combine those things in an impactful way.

I create workshops and projects that focus on frameworks for creative problem-solving. Every session I run helps individuals and groups put all their genius out on the table at the right time, in the right way to create the value you need.

I’ve worked with a wide range of companies, from big household names to startups that will soon be and companies that you’ll never know but probably leverage every day.

Each organisation had almost all of the knowledge to solve every challenge they were facing. What they needed was someone to untangle the web, identify the unknowns and get the right things out in the open at the right time.

I create the framework for your ideas and experience to achieve their potential.

I’m part of the Group Of Humans

A global collective of top designers, strategists, and innovators focused on impactful, sustainable design.

Past Clients

Service and product strategy

Employee experience

SIE PlayStation
Product and innovation strategy

Product and process design

Facebook (Meta)
Service design

HM Revenue & Customs
User research

Proposition development

Proposition development

Liberty Global
Design Management

Past Agencies

Service Designer

Lead Service Designer

Principal Service Designer

Design Director

Lead Service Designer

The Unit
Senior Designer

Great Fridays
Design Strategy Consultant

Institute of Design Innovation
Innovation Designer

John Sunart is one of the best strategic facilitators I’ve worked with… give him a call when you need to unstick something in your business or need to know what direction to head in.

Former director